AI Abstract Art of a Dark Witch. created for the Witchcraft Blog. There is fading between pink brown and dark purple.

Witchy Whims – Witchcraft Blog

Accessible resource for developing your spiritual craft.


Witchy Whims’ witchcraft blog is your one-stop free witchy resource for growth and craft development. We cover witchcraft tips, sabbats, divine feminine, shadow work, budgeting, and so much more. For novice practitioners and experienced alike, we’re all witchlings at the end of the day: actively developing our craft. 

Beltane – May Eve, May Day

Beltane – May Eve, May Day

Witchy WhimsApr 30, 20241 min read

About: Beltane also spelled Beltaine or referred to as May Day is the second Celtic Fire Festival of the year. It falls at the halfway point of the spring equinox and summer solstice.    Northern Hemisphere: April 30 – May…

breasts with a black bra and silver chain choker

The Occult and The Orgasm: Does Love Magic Have A Place in Sex Magic

Witchy WhimsApr 28, 20244 min read

Before one can begin a discussion on sex magic and love magic, one must begin a conversation on sex and sexuality. Who do you want to have sex with? What are your prerequisites? Are you uncomfortable with group sex? Will…

pink vibrator

The Occult and The Orgasm: AutoErotic Sex Magic

Witchy WhimsApr 28, 20243 min read

As I’ve talked about in the past blog posts sex magic is one of the most powerful ways to channel energy or charge a spell. It is an extremely powerful manifestation tool. However, we don’t always have a partner or…

two women intimately hugging each other

The Occult and The Orgasm: Sex Safety

Witchy WhimsApr 28, 20243 min read

It is unethical to have a conversation about sex magick without including the conversation about safety. Although many people may feel sexual safety is self-explanatory, the lack of comprehensive sex education and the taboo nature of sex as a conversation…

The Occult and The Orgasm: Our Discussion of Sex Magic

The Occult and The Orgasm: Our Discussion of Sex Magic

Witchy WhimsApr 28, 20245 min read

Discussions of witchcraft are typically centered around how we use the metaphysical to fuel the physical, however, we often neglect to acknowledge that the reverse is true as well. In no type of magic is this more apparent than in…

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