Frequently Asked Questions
How long have you been practicing?
I have been practicing witchcraft for 15 years. I started practicing when I was just 8 years old when I learned my sister had chosen the path of Wicca. I myself am an omnist and don’t prescribe to a particular religion. I prefer to see the truth to all.
How reliable is the info in the blogs you post?
The blogs authored by Witchy Whims or Alexandra Weigert are collective postings written from personal research and experiences. They are no more or less reliable than any other witchcraft resource. Most knowledge on the topic has been passed down by word of mouth for centuries so I am sure much has been changed throughout the years. Don’t be afraid to reach out with comparative information from other sources! Craft beliefs and practices vary across cultures and individual practitioners.
Do you really believe in witchcraft and magick?
Yes. I believe that magick is just an aspect of science we have yet to explain. After all, modern medicine started with herbal healing, which was once considered witchcraft.
Does your blog take submissions?
Yes! If you want to submit a blog post article that you think would do well on our website you are more than welcome to. Witchy Whims is a one-person operation though so responses take time. The posts don’t generate revenue since the blog is a free resource, however, I hope to one day pay other writers.