The Occult and The Orgasm: Does Love Magic Have A Place in Sex Magic

breasts with a black bra and silver chain choker

Before one can begin a discussion on sex magic and love magic, one must begin a conversation on sex and sexuality. Who do you want to have sex with? What are your prerequisites? Are you uncomfortable with group sex? Will you partake in casual sex? Do you have proper protection? Have you recently been tested? I will be doing an entire blog post on sexual safety – I feel that the discussion of general sex education and safety is a necessity if we are going to be talking about sexual magic – however, there are a few other questions that I would like to focus on: prerequisites, casual, and group sex.

Disclaimer: My Personal Opinion 

I want to start off by saying that I am going to have an unpopular take on this question. The majority of sex magic texts I have read along with the creators I have listened to, have separated the topics of love and sex magic. In fact, some believe that the presence of love in sexual magic will actually be a detriment.

I caution against sexual magic practitioners and teachers, speaking against the presence of love in someone’s magical routines. When you do this you create two problems. The first – and less controversial one – is that by demanding love to be left out of the equation you exclude all individuals who have love as a prerequisite for sex. Some people will not have sex with someone that they do not love. This can be for moral reasons, this could be for intimacy reasons, past traumas, or even sexuality. In fact, on the asexual spectrum, demisexual individuals, do not experience sexual attraction until a bond has been established. In many cases, this bond must be romantic or platonic love. The second – and more controversial problem – that is caused by peaking against the presence of love, is that it feeds into unhealthy amounts of disinformation.

Disinformation Surrounding Sex Magic

Sex Magic, especially neo-sexual magic practices, is heavily based on this idea of rebellion. Sex Magic is about defying what is societally acceptable, challenging social norms, and breaking down gender roles. While Sex Magic can and does do these things it is not MANDATORY for all sex magic rituals to be driven by a more political motive. Another layer of disinformation in sex magic is that couples are incapable of being involved in larger sex magic groups and practices. This belief is founded on societal monogamy norms and traditionality. Many individuals – myself included – do not see a relationship as a binding experience. All emotions, desires, and attractions are open for discussion even ones that are directed outside of the relationship. Many individuals in modern-day society are embracing open relationship styles and polyamory. So while group settings may not work for some couples, others will fit in just fine.

The final layer of disinformation is that love and sex are contradictory magic forms and the presence of both will diminish the energy projected. Sex Magic is about turning physical sensations into metaphysical outcomes, Love Magic is about turning metaphysical sensations, into physical outcomes. While the two do mirror each other, they do not oppose one another. Sex and Love Magic both involve the transferrence between metaphysical and physical.

Love magic is not a necessity nor a detriment to sex magic. It can be incorporated or left out of the rituals entirely and is up for discussion for each individual involved.

Benefits of Collaborating Love and Lust 

As stated previously Sex Magic and Love Magic create a metaphorical and metaphysical mirror. The bounce between the two will create a cyclical flow that will feed off of each other rather than run out. Sex Magic is all about working with energy. The energy projected by the orgasm is often the main, if not the only, source of energy discussed in sex magic. There are of course more energies at play in sexuality that we can pull into the discussion and “Love” can serve as a source for those energies. Rather than using metaphysical energies to bring up or renew feelings of love, the incorporation of love into a sex magic ritual, allows the practitioner to channel the individual energy of the other(s) involved through the bond of love you share.

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