The Occult and The Orgasm: AutoErotic Sex Magic

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As I’ve talked about in the past blog posts sex magic is one of the most powerful ways to channel energy or charge a spell. It is an extremely powerful manifestation tool. However, we don’t always have a partner or individual to have sex with. This is where Auto-Erotic Sex Magic comes into play.

Sexual Energy and Masturbation

Within the Sex Magic community, there is some variability about the understanding of sexual energy. Some practitioners define sexual energy as any lustful emotions a person is harboring. Others define it as any energy that is emitted during sex. For our discussion, we are solely focusing on the energy emitted during climax.
I can see why some people would question the power of autoerotic Sex Magic, after all masturbation is not technically sex, and it only harnesses the power of one individual. Surely it could not be as powerful. In reality auto-erotic sex Magic has some distinct benefits over traditional Sex Magic rituals, that many practitioners can take advantage of.

  1. Auto-erotic sex Magic means you have more control over the timing of your orgasm. While performing a sex Magic ritual, it is best to time the incantations and manifestations close to the time of climax, however, we don’t always know when it’s going to happen. When you masturbate you can better gauge, time, and even prolong the build-up sexual energy to enhance your ritual.
  2. It ensures that everyone participating in the ritual believes in the power of the ritual. For many witches, their partners are supportive bystanders of their craft, but necessarily practitioners themselves or even believers. Intention and belief play strong roles in the effectiveness of spells. In the case where their partner is not a fellow practitioner, they may have conflicting energy that inhibits the spell.
  3. Autoerotic sex Magic also ensures that you have full control over the performance and results of a ritual. When two or more people participate in the ritual, more goals and manifestations will be sourcing the energy created during the climax, causing a redirection.

Self-Care and Boundaries

Many different things can impact the way we react to masturbation such as sexual and religious trauma, physical limitations, or even disabilities such as autism. For these individuals, the aftermath of an orgasm can be very overbearing leading to overstimulation, guilt, flashbacks, or other harmful triggers. Before engaging in auto-erotic sex magic, you should first make sure your relationship with yourself is being healed. Here are some questions you can ask yourself before engaging in sex magic.

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