The Total Solar Eclipse – April 8, 2024

Annular Solar Eclipse with the moon blocking the sun.

Even a Lunar-associated witch like myself can not ignore the unshakeable power of this total solar eclipse, especially not one as strong as that which approaches. The April 8, 2024, solar eclipse will be quite the event from alignment to totality to numerology. Get out your NASA-approved glasses and uncharged jars of water because there is power to spare!


Total Solar Eclipse 

Despite the commonality of solar eclipses, this April’s eclipse will not have another like it until 2044. Solar eclipses can range from partial, to annular, to solar, and all occur in different amounts of time, but on this rare occasion, we are getting to see a Total Solar Eclipse. (At least those of this in North America. Apologies to my UK and Europen readers.) 

Partial Solar Eclipses are created when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, without falling in complete alignment. They still hold a lot of metaphysical power, and luckily for those of you who do not fall in view of the total eclipse that is coming, you may get a chance to experience a partial eclipse in your area. During the eclipse, you will see a crescent-like shape form in the Sun as the Moon passes through. 

Annular and Total Solar Eclipses both occur when the Sun Moon and Earth align as the Moon passes through. However, during an Annular Solar Eclipse, the Moon is at or near its farthest point from Earth. The shadow and edges of the Sun will always be viewable. During a Total Solar Eclipse, the Earth turns black. For a small fleeting moment we are not met with a spec of light. 


Numerology of the Day

Every day has a specific numerological component. The month, date, and year added together give us the day power number. Our date is 04.08.2024, so we would add 0 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 giving us a sum of 20. Our power number has to be a single digit so we would add again 2 + 0, giving us our power number: 2.  All of our date numbers including our power number are even numbers, which means they align with our divine feminine. 

Furthermore, all the numbers fall within powers of two (e.g. two squared is four, and two cubed is eight).   

A day with this power number gives a practitioner the ability to tap into the following areas: leadership, divination, and communication. Two is all about equilibrium and unity. It is a powerful number for romantic, platonic, and financial partnerships. However, two also point towards internal balance and unity. In the case of the pairing with the solar eclipse, it seems to be a call for alignment amongst the three selves.


Day of the Week

Arguably all aspects of our life have some level of metaphysical energy, including our day of the week. The Total Solar Eclipse falls on a Monday this year, or a Moon-day. Mondays are associated with all things Lunar including the divine feminine, intuition, mysticism, fertility, and mystery. Mondays are also a great time for travel including astral and dream travel. While the Sun is normally an aspect of divine masculine power, the alignment of the Sun with the Moon, shows an overcasting of feminine energy and not just any feminine energy DARK FEMININE ENERGY. (For those of you who don’t know this is my favorite aspect of my craft.) This means during this time your shadow self will be at its strongest state making the energy provided good for healing and hexing. 


Astrological Events

Although the Total Solar Eclipse, is the major talk of the day it is not the only astrological event that will be influencing our energy. First things first it is Aries season! Aries is the sign of the Ram and is ruled by the planet Mars. It is a planet of action, leadership, assertiveness, confidence, and risk-taking. A fire element is associated with passion and creativity. What one does during Aries season is affected by their own placement, but generally, Aries is a symbol of taking control of your life to accomplish what you want. 

Although there is one thing that might make you want to take a step back, Mercury is currently in retrograde. All this means is that risk-taking and impulsivity are probably not the best routes at this time. Mercury is a planet of communication, so go over conversations carefully before you have them. 

The final aspect of our skies to look to is the arrival of the Devil’s Comet. Also known as Comet 12P or Pons-Brooks Comet, The Devil’s Comet appears every 71 years, so many of us will only get the chance to see it once in a lifetime. Comets are harbingers of change but not just any time of change, they bring messages similar to those in a tarot reading holding both the Death and Tarot card. Drastic change is on the horizon. Powers of transformation, death, and rebirth are strong.


With Mercury in retrograde, the Devil’s Comet looming over us, and the arrival of a Total Solar Eclipse, it is fair to say we are entering a state of chaos and transformation. As witches, we are able to take hold of these massive energy shifts and use them to fuel our crafts. I’m excited to see what everyone does with them. 

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