Introduction to Lunar Witchery

We are all children of the moon. The gravitational force of our moon is just the beginning of what it does to us. Because everything in existence has a connection to the metaphysical, and the moon which orbits our earth is no exception. A spiritualist or witch may choose to embrace this power or reject it, but for the purpose of this blog series on Lunar Witchery, we will be focusing solely on those who wish to access this energy. There are many different ways that a witch or practitioner may choose to connect to the moon in their practice.

Worshipping the Moon

Some practitioners choose to put the moon at the front of their practice. Some ways they may do this is through worshiping the moon as an energy/entity or by worshiping distinct moon deities. The two moon deities I most often hear of in this discussion are Luna and Selene, but many different cultures have their own moon god/goddess for you to look into or connect with. Here are just a few moon deity ideas for those interested: Diana (Roman), Arianrhod (Celtic), Aynia (Celtic), and Cerridwen (Celtic). I listed these four because they are specifically a part of open pantheons.

A witch or practitioner can take their own approach to strengthening their bond with the moon. Some ways they may do this include fasting on the full moon, meditating on specific phases, leaving out offerings on an altar, or syncing their periods to the moon phases. Night owls and insomniacs tend to be particularly drawn towards this path in some way.

Collecting Moon Water

A lot of influencer witches will include collecting moon water in their routine for a major lunar/astro event. However, what not all of us talk about (and some probably don’t even know this) is that moon water can be collected every single night. The moon always has energy, the energy just changes between the phases.

How do we collect moon water? First you find something to store water in. You may find that you have a special collection of jars/bottles just for collecting and storing your moon water. You may also find that going the financially light route of using a water bottle just works better for you. Next, decide whether you feel the need to cleanse the item you are storing water in. Have you used this item previously to store water with different energy? Was this item gifted to you by someone with negative energy? Was this item upcycled? There are many different reasons you may feel cleansing is essential for ensuring the purity of the energy in the water you collect, however, every practitioner is different. If you decide to cleanse, cleanse, if you decide not to, that’s fine too, you can just move along with us to the next step: filling your jar/bottle up with water. It doesn’t matter where you get this water from so long as you fill it up. Once you have your water, you wait for nightfall to collect the lunar waves. I personally believe the strongest moon water will be collected when you store your water outdoors, however, so long as you leave it with access to the moonlight (e.g. by a window, on a windowsill, or outside) the water will collect the energy of the moon. Leave the water overnight and collect in the morning. Some practitioners believe that moon water will lose its properties once it comes in contact with sunlight, others do not. That is up for you to decide.

Using Moon Water

Once we have our moon water you may be wondering: what do we use moon water for? Moon water uses are greatly affected by the phase in which they were collected, however, I can go over a few ways that we access these energies.

  1. Moon Water Baths – Some practitioners choose to use baths as an opportunity for spiritual alignment and healing. Adding some moon water with desired properties to a bathtub will add to its metaphysical power.

  2. Spells – Moon water is quite a potent ingredient, and can be a useful tool to add to our potions, spells, and elixirs.

  3. Consumption – Some witches will add drinking moon water to their daily routine. They may also use the water to make drinks such as lemonade or as an ingredient for baking and cooking.

  4. Cleansing – Much like a bath, moon water can be used to wash and cleanse your magickal tools.

Living by the Phases

As I have stated throughout this blog post, the lunar phases hold their own unique energies that can be accessed and stored by practitioners. The lunar phases have unique effects on magickal energies and our emotions. Much like our natal chart, the phase we are born under can also tell us a bit about ourselves and what we are destined for.

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