9 Spiritual Principles

Sage Burning in Bowl

The 9 Spiritual Principles are an ennealogy of concepts that conceptualize the power behind the practice of the ancient arts: witchcraft. These principles, organized into three triads, serve as a roadmap to understanding the fundamental forces that guide the practice of witchcraft. They invite us to explore the interconnectedness of all things, to harness the energies that flow through us and around us, and to realize our potential as wielders of divinity. The principles are meant to act as a guide to unlocking the power of witchcraft, and to help a practitioner understand the limitless potential of their own power. 

Triad of Energy

  • The quantification of energy is what created the line between science and magic. Science (the quantifiable) was once magic (unquantifiable). The two are not opposites, but rather two forces by which energy can be harnessed. 
  • Energy is separated into Masculine and Feminine. Masculine Energy is the mundane and corporeal, and Feminine Energy is the metaphysical and spiritual. 
  • Energy is in constant motion and maintains equilibrium in circular patterns (well-rounded balances and cyclical timelines.) 

Triad of the Universe

  • The universe is the source and holder of all energy, it’s power is limitless. If we wish to continue to access this energy, we must respect where it comes from. 
  • The universe grants us access to its energy through magick and science, the actions we take with this power are pieces of witchcraft. 
  • The universe’s main goal is equilibrium. It is the main source of all energy and will use it to restore balance where it must be done. 

Triad of the People

  • Everything in the universe, tangible and intangible, visible and invisible has energy. 
  • Throughout creation, all things in the universe have remained entangled, as they all came from a singular source. As pieces of this universe, we have the power to influence, channel, and transmit this energy. 
  • Not everyone who uses witchcraft is a witch. A person becomes a witch when they achieve oneness with the universe. A witch is someone who accesses and uses universal energies to bring about changes that restore equilibrium. 


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