Beltane – May Eve, May Day

About: Beltane also spelled Beltaine or referred to as May Day is the second Celtic Fire Festival of the year. It falls at the halfway point of the spring equinox and summer solstice. 


Northern Hemisphere: April 30 – May 1

Southern Hemisphere: October 31 – November 1


Magickal Spiritual Properties: Growth, Protection, Abundance, Fertility, Light, Love, and Sexuality


Celtic (Irish Welsh and Scottish) Celebration Inspiration:

  • Protection Spells and Warding
  • Fire Rituals 
  • Renewal
  • Banishing 

Germanic (Germans, Norwegians, Swedish, Finland-Swedes, Danish, Faroese, English, Icelanders) Inspiration: 

  • Fire rituals
  • Warding 
  • Decorating the Home 

Italian Inspiration: (Floralia)

  • Sex Magick
  • Party and Celebration 
  • Glamour Magick


  • Deity Offerings 
  • Rebirth Rituals 
  • Flower Wreaths


  • Animals: Bees, Cows, Doves, Frogs, Rabbit
  • Herbs: Pine, Daisy, Oak, Lemon, Mint, Mugwort, Witch’s Hazel, Hawthorn, Rose, Jasmine
  • Fruit: Lemon, Apples, Grapes
  • Crystal and Metal: Bloodstone, Copper, Emerald, Gold, Rose Quartz, Silver 
  • Colors: Yellow, Green, Pink, White, Brown
  • Elements: Fire


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