Lunar Witchcraft: A Guide to the Full Moon

Full Moon

So it is officially full moon time, a time where even more practitioners seem ready to come out and play with the power of the moon. How long does the full moon last? Well the debate of its energy is just the same as that of the New Moon, so it is safe to say it falls within the 12-72 hour range. Although many practitioners – even those who do not live by the moon – try to take advantage of the power of the full moon, it is important to remember that you can not reap the full rewards of the fifth phase without taking advantage of the first four.

There are a few thoughts to keep in mind when thinking about the full moon. Firstly, the full moon is not a sign of completion. Even though we finally see the moon at 100% luminosity, the moon still has half its journey to go. The full moon also has 12 (or 13) unique names throughout the year and each has their own additional energies to listen to. It may also be enhanced by the energy of an eclipse. The full moon can be a time in which we finally receive the rewards we were awaiting during the Waxing Gibbous. We may see progress in whatever journey we decided to embark on.

During a full moon we may feel overflowing with power, which may give a false invincibility complex. Remember we are still responsible for our own actions.

Learn more about the path of the lunar witch here.

What to Do?

As stated previously, the full moon is believed to be a time where we start getting all that goodness the Waxing Gibbous promised. It is a time for fulfillment and revelations. I generally warn against feeling it’s a time for perfection or completion, there is still much for us to do. As a promise that you are continuing to work towards your goals, the full moon is a good time for manifestation rituals. We want to push for changes in our life and move forward. After all, this is a time for seeing results. The moon also provides us with a unique amount of intuitive and spiritual power. This makes for a good time to start casting some spells and performing divination. Spell ideas for this time: Positive Vibes, Happiness, Self-Love, Abundance, and Luck.

Full Moon Babies

It is perhaps no surprise when I say full moon babies are believed to be the most powerful and successful of all the lunar phases’ children. This is, of course, a gross misconception. Every lunar phase has its strengths and weaknesses, and the full moon is no exception to this rule. Full Moon babies are free spirits driven by the need for fulfillment. They are the ride or dies, the all or nothings, kinds of people. However, this mentality can come with a certain pickiness. They can be selective about everything in their life: romance, friendship, politics, religion, etc. Full Moon babies are strong individuals with passion and drive. They could achieve greatness or crash and burn completely. Full moon babies could generally be successful in anything that they are passionate about, however, their phase tends them more towards politics and religion. Social workers, lobbyists, religious leaders, social activists, and more could be born under the full moon phase. Full moon babies thrive on the fire inside of them. The greatest weakness in full moon babies is the extremity of their existence. They rely solely on being driven by passion, and if mental illness, trauma, or just life in general take away that passion, a full moon baby will remain in stagnation unable to move. Too much stagnation can fill a full moon child up with negativity, which left unchecked, could have catastrophic consequences. Just because the full moon creates leaders, it doesn’t mean they will be good ones.

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