Litha, Midsummer, The Summer Solstice

About: Litha sometimes referred to as Midsummer is a celebration of the Summer Solstice. It is the longest day of sunlight of the year so it is great for solar witches. It has roots across many cultures (some closed and some open, I focused on Inspiration from open practices here). It is a day of love, divination, and abundance. 


Northern Hemisphere: June 21

Southern Hemisphere: December 21


Magickal Spiritual Properties: Abundance, Fertility, Sun, Light, Motherhood, Empowerment, Love, Luck


Ancestral Traditions


Celtic (Irish Welsh and Scottish) Celebration Inspiration:

  • Stone Circles
  • White Clothing 
  • Bonfires
  • Music
  • Divination 

Germanic (Germans, Norwegians, Swedish, Finland-Swedes, Danish, Faroese, English, Icelanders) Inspiration:

  • Fire rituals
  • Lighting Candles
  • Burning Offerings 

Italian Inspiration: 

  • Sex Magick
  • Love Magick 
  • Unity Rituals and Ceremonies


  • Fire Elemental Magick
  • Herbalism
  • Rain and Storm Water


  • Animals: bees, bull, butterflies, cow, birds, horses
  • Herbs: cinnamon, chamomile, lavender, marigold, Daisy, rose, peppermint, sandalwood, spearmint, st. johns, wort, vervain, mugwort, Rosemary
  • Fruit: berries, lemons, oranges, peaches, pears, grapes
  • Crystal and Metal: gold, carnelian, citrine, tigers eye, diamonds
  • Colors: gold, yellow, white, orange, red, green
  • Elements: Fire (Primary) Water (Secondary)

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