Mabon – A Guide to the Ancient Sabbat

Hand holding three apples. Apple Picking

About: Mabon marks the celebration of the Autumnal Equinox, and is seen as a time to give thanks for all we have and to honor the sacrifices made to get us here. It is time to both collect energy and to let go, making it ideal for reflections. 


Northern Hemisphere: September 22-23

Southern Hemisphere: March 20-21


Magickal Spiritual Properties: Balance, Gratitude, Preparation, Banishment, Healing, Grounding, Book of Mirrors Development


Ancestral Traditions


Celtic (Irish Welsh and Scottish) Celebration Inspiration:

  • Astral Projection
  • Ancestral Connection
  • Divination
  • Fertility and Death Magick

Germanic (Germans, Norwegians, Swedish, Finland-Swedes, Danish, Faroese, English, Icelanders) Inspiration:

  • Gratitude Rituals
  • Abundance Magick 
  • Honoring Ancestors
  • Partying/Celebration 

Italian Inspiration: 

  • Settle Debts
  • Accept Help 
  • Self-Assessment 
  • Grounding 


  • Honoring Persephone
  • Sacrifice
  • Harvest



  • Animals: Squirrels, Eagles, Salmon, Horses, Owls, Blackbirds, Geese
  • Herbs: Carnation, Marigold, Sunflower, Maple Trees, Oak Trees, Aloe, Cloves, Pine, Acorns, Sage, Cinnamon
  • Fruit: Apples, Pomegranates, Grapes, Melons
  • Crystal and Metal: Amber, Golden Topaz, Hematite, Antimony, Gold, Iron
  • Colors: Brown, Green, Orange, Red, Yellow
  • Elements: Water (Primary) Earth (Secondary)

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