The difference between religion and spirituality

When someone feels drawn to spirituality, whether it be through a spiritual awakening or just because they have been feeling a little lost and want to find some answers, they may find themselves feeling inner guilt or contradictions. Many of us from an early age have religion force-fed to us either through schooling, youth organizations, or sometimes more serious situations. Regardless of whether we choose to reject the stories we were told; we may find it hard to let go of the internalized beliefs that our subconscious minds may have latched onto. So where do you draw the line between religion and spirituality? Does that line exist?

Spiritual and Religious Practices

Religious people are individuals that are connected to a particular doctrine that is set forth by religion. These religions have institutions and/or texts that set a foundation of beliefs that followers are required to embrace. Religious beliefs may vary from culture to culture but are less likely to vary amongst individuals within the same sect of their religion. Spiritual individuals seek a deeper connection with some universal power that may or may not be divine. There is no set doctrine to identify as spiritual and beliefs will vary from individual to individual.

Within religion and spirituality, believers can practice and participate in their belief system. Both paths have solitary and group-based practices and require some amount of faith for each individual. Spiritual and religious people alike have found comfort and peace by embracing these life paths.

Spirituality vs. Religion

Although religion and spirituality are often categorized together in the publishing and industrial world, they are distinctive paths. Religion is the organized practice of a specific set of beliefs that may or may not be attached to theism. Spirituality is a personal practice that one uses to connect to the world around them. There is no one right way to do it and everyone develops their way of doing so on their terms. Spirituality often plays a role in other parts of people’s lives whether it be their religion, their day-to-day lifestyle, or other practices and beliefs.

Religion is institutional-based belief and spirituality is individual-based belief. Religion is often more rigid as a result, and many followers can find the confines to be demanding or diminishing. Spirituality, on the other hand, is limitless because the boundaries are set by the individual rather than by an overarching leader(s) or text.

Starting Your Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey is a very personal path that a person chooses to take. Ultimately a spiritualist may try to find the highest power of the universe, the supremeness within nature, or the knowledge within their subconscious mind. Here are some steps to take based on what you may want from spirituality.

If you are looking for answers about the world at large and the higher power:
  1. Look into the concept of Omnism. – Omnism is the belief that all religions hold some aspects of truth. You do not have to believe this to be a spiritualist, however, it may teach you to keep your mind open as you examine the multitude of ideas and beliefs about why the universe is the way it is and how it came to be.
  2. Look into religions across categories (nontheistic religions, polytheistic, Abrahamic) and see what ideas, or if any ideas call to you.
  3. Answer some questions about what you believe. Do you believe in the immortal soul? What do you believe a soul is? Do you believe in an afterlife, reincarnation?
If you are looking to grow a stronger bond with nature:
  1. Start with understanding within yourself what you believe links us to nature. Do you believe we are scientifically linked to nature because we all came from the same explosion and live on the same Earth? Do you believe that our spirits are one with the hearts of the trees? Do you believe our energies can be linked with the energies of other living and nonliving things in the natural world?
  2. This is difficult in a time where remote work has become almost synonymous with asynchronous assignments, but unplugging can be an amazing step to reconnecting that bond. Infrastructure and technology have made a lot of information, skills, and needs more readily accessible, however, they have separated us from how we naturally lived.
  3. Go on nature walks. Try and find the closest access to nature near you. (A Park, a Beach, A Lake, A Waterfall, etc.) Make this your new spot for walks, runs, and meditation. Maybe find a place to lay your blanket out to listen to some meditation guides or do some yoga.
If you are looking for greater internal knowledge
  1. Start with understanding your conscious mind. Identify what beliefs you think you currently hold.
  2. Do shadow work prompts. Although I often see shadow work associated with witchcraft, shadow work is an amazing tool for creating a linear connection between conscious and unconscious understanding of yourself.
  3. Deep meditation exercises. Meditation allows our minds to remove all of the fog that clouds our everyday judgment, giving us a clear picture of what beliefs we truly hold.

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