Samhain: A Celtic Fire Festival

Fire burning over wood logs

About: Samhain, which has been morphed into All Hallow’s Eve, is a three day fire festival that draws mainly from the ancient Celtic festival, that is still celebrated today. Other influences include Shadowfest, Calan Gaeaf, Hop-tu-Naa, and Dia de los Muertos. 


Northern Hemisphere: October 31 – November 2 

Southern Hemisphere: April 30  – May 2


Magickal Spiritual Properties: Healing, Protection, Transformation, Renewal, Jinxes, Divination, Separation 


Ancestral Traditions

Celtic (Irish Welsh and Scottish) Celebration Inspiration:

  • Deity and Spirit Offerings 
  • Love Magick
  • Parties
  • Divination
  • Baneful Magick
  • Seances

Germanic (Germans, Norwegians, Swedish, Finland-Swedes, Danish, Faroese, English, Icelanders) Inspiration:

  • Ancestral Work
  • Blessings and protection
  • Coven Work

Italian Inspiration: 

  • Offerings to Dead
  • Sex Magick 
  • Reading and Grimoire Organizing 


  • Death Magick 
  • Rest 
  • Planning 


  • Animals: Black Cats, Owls, Ravens, Spiders
  • Herbs: Rosemary, Sage, garlic, Mugwort, Broom, Hazel, Hemlock, Calendula, Cinnamon, Cloves, Pine
  • Fruit: Apples
  • Crystal and Metal: Carnelian, Iron, Silver, Moonstone, Obsidian, Onyx, Jet, Black Tourmaline
  • Colors: Black, Brown, Grey, Orange, Yellow, Silver 
  • Elements: Fire

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