Spirituality and Witchcraft – What’s the difference?

Hand held out to the setting sun

“Spiritual Journey” and “Spiritual Awakening” are two words I see a lot in the digital witchcraft community. These keywords are great for grabbing people’s attention. For example, “If you are seeing this, consider it a sign that you should start your spiritual journey.” I know I myself am guilty of using these terms to pull people into my content on TikTok. However, lots of us are only focusing on witchcraft information, and although certain aspects of a witch’s practice can be spiritual, witchcraft is not spirituality. In fact, some practitioners only focus on scientifically tangible applications of witchcraft such as kitchen and hedge Witchery, and don’t consider themselves to be spiritual at all. So the question is: where do we draw the line between Spirituality and Witchcraft?


I have always thought of spirituality as being part of one’s personal mentality and reflections of our world. What do they believe exists in the unknown? Why do they think we are here? Who or what made us into beings that function so perfectly like machines? Do I have a soul? Do I believe in a higher power? Do I feel drawn to a specific line of religious thought? When you find your answers to these questions, you find your spirituality. Regardless of what a person believes in, they can decide if they are a spiritual being.


While spirituality is more like a mentality, witchcraft is a form of action in which we may or may not incorporate our spiritual beliefs. Witchcraft is all about energy. A witch is someone who uses one or more energies provided by the universe to access other realities of this universe. Some witches use physical energies provided by things such as plants to create herbal remedies and some witches use interplanetary or spiritual energies in their craft. Although some spiritualists choose to take action in similar ways (balancing your chakras, meditation, and manifesting) witches take this a step further. We don’t just absorb and regulate energy within ourselves, we use this power to make changes in our world. (Spellcasting, Rituals, Incantations, and magic are all parts of witchcraft.)

Can You Be Both?

Many of us are both spiritual and witchy, and because of this, we may mix the two up in conversation (a mistake I know I am guilty of). Just remember it’s your life. If you want to be a witch, be a witch. If you want to be spiritual, be spiritual. If you believe in neither by all means. You do you.


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