Lunar Witchcraft: A Guide to the First Quarter Moon

First Quarter

The First Quarter moon is the third phase of our lunar cycle, and perhaps it’s the phase most of us are waiting for. It marks the halfway point between the New Moon and the Full Moon. The moon is at 50% luminosity, but just like the New Moon, you can pull the debate of whether it holds for a longer period. (12-72 hour window) The First Quarter still falls in our waxing stage of the moon. Our journey is just beginning.

In tarot, the First Quarter moon is associated with the Magician. For my tarot readers who always get stuck in love readings, you might be thinking quite poorly of the First Quarter right now. The magician can be both a beautiful card and a warning flag, and this dichotomy of energy exists in the moon phase as well. The magician tells us that we are on the verge of attaining our goals, especially in our career/financial readings. However, in love readings, the magician warns of manipulation. The First Quarter provides us with the energy to move forward and take the steps we need toward what we want. But (as Rumplestiltskin would say in Once Upon A Time) All Magic Comes with A Price and the price of the First Quarter pushing us forward is that it also gives our antagonists the same energy to push against us. We can expect to be presented with roadblocks and obstacles. If we take proper advantage of our New Moon and Waxing Crescent, these obstacles will prove futile in the pursuit of our dreams.

Learn more about the path of the lunar witch here.

What to Do?

Finally, all of the preparation and dreaming has led us to this moment: the time to take action. During the First Quarter, we can finally start to move forward into the life we want to create. We are no longer just applying to jobs, we are going on interviews. We didn’t just start talking to new people, but we are making friends. The worst thing you could do right now is remain stuck in the Waxing Crescent. If we do, we may find ourselves overthinking, drowning in paranoia, and ultimately stagnant. Spirituality may be taking a backseat during this time when we get caught up in the mundane. For future reference, it may be good to spend your Waxing Crescent scheduling time during your First Quarter to do spellwork. You are still at the beginning of your journey so good spell ideas for this time are abundance/money spells, protection spells, and wards.

First Quarter Babies

First Quarter babies draw from two powerful energies: the New Moon and the Full Moon. However, the First Quarter stands at enough distance from each that it is capable of forming its own unique energies, and as such the children born under it have their own unique qualities. A perfect saying about the First Quarter babies is that “they are the main character.” The world pushes them to be their best and so they become the best. So long as they remain strong and motivated. First Quarter babies are caught between two mentalities: “I am tired of fighting” and “I can do anything I put my mind to.” Although the 50% luminosity suggests balance, first-quarter babies actually get caught at extremes, sometimes alternating between the two mentalities throughout their lives. First Quarter Babies are amazing leaders, and can truly change the world. The downside is that the world will often try to take them down consistently.

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