How to Create A Powerful Sigil


As a Chaos Magick Practitioner, I would definitely say I have a bit of an addiction to the power of the Sigil. Sigils were at the core of my craft and were the first part of magick I voluntarily stepped into. (As a person born with Clair abilities I use the word voluntarily quite regularly in my craft.) I first used them as a manifestation and affirmation tool, but now I use them to cleanse my crystals to activate my incantations and cast my protection circle for spellwork. In this blog post, I am going to go over how to make sigils and how to activate them. But first, let’s start with the basics.

What Is A Sigil?

Sigils are symbols whose strokes are created in a particular pattern/order/design to emanate the energies of a particular declaration, whether it be incantation, manifestation, or affirmation. There are two possible starting steps for using a sigil: you find a previously existing sigil or you make your own. I don’t like to use previously made sigils for a multitude of reasons, but the top one is that I just do not believe they are as strong as the ones I create. This, however, is not a fact, just my belief and bias. Others may believe sigils store the energy of all their users so they feel pre-made sigils are stronger.

The purpose of the sigils depends on the words used to create them. A lot of people mistake or confuse them with runes, however, the two are far from the same thing. Perhaps I will do a post about it in the future.

How to Make a Sigil

There are multiple ways to make a sigil and I am going to go over them all here.

Way 1:

  1. Write out a phrase in the present or past affirmative voice. (E.G I Am Confident. I Got A Promotion.)
  2. Cross out repeating letters. (Some people only cross out vowels it’s completely up to you)
  3. Use a Pythagorean or Chaldean numbers chart to match up the remaining letters with numbers.
  4. Arrange numbers 1-9 or 1-8 in a circle in random order.
  5. Draw lines to the numbers your phrase created.
  6. Add symbols for aesthetics or further meaning.

Way 2:

  1. Write out a phrase in the present or past affirmative voice. (E.G I Am Confident. I Got A Promotion.)
  2. Cross out repeating letters. (Some people only cross out vowels it’s completely up to you)
  3. Separate each letter by the particular strokes. For example, the letter D had a semicircle and a line. The letter W can just be V V. Etc.
  4. Combine these strokes into a unique shape.

If making a sigil doesn’t sound like you’re thing, or if you want a more specific appearance, you are welcome to ask me to make you one on my Etsy. They are all hand-drawn and designed with care!

How to Activate

Once you have successfully created your sigil it is time to harness the power of what you created. Some witches believe that sigils hold power the moment they are drawn, and others add an extra step before “activating” which is charging. Sigil charging works similarly to enchantments or charging crystals. You want to put energy into the symbol you’ve created to increase its power. You can charge it using incantation, solar energy, lunar energy, etc. Color Magick can also be used to charge the sigil. If you prefer, you can even use energy work to transmute energy into the sigil.

I am going to write three simple ways to “activate” your sigils. Although all work as stand-alone ways to activate your sigils, in some scenarios we use all three.

1) Drawing with Intent

One extremely simple way to activate your sigils is to intend to use their power as you draw the sigils. For example, some people will draw a sigil on their arms or items for protection as they go around. Personally, I like to add a little more to my process through elements.

2) Elements

Incorporating elements into the use of your sigils is a great way to add some extra power. Draw a sigil using some moon water, burn it in a fire, or draw it into the dirt in your garden. There are many ways you can incorporate elements into your sigil magick.

3) Spells

Finally, the most obvious way to activate the power of your sigil is through a spell Some examples of spellwork activation include adding to your spell jar, activating through activation, or burning in a ritual.

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