Metaphysical Properties of the Days of the Week – A Witch’s Guide

Witchcraft is more than a practice, it is a way of life. This means that even when a witch is not practicing magic, they still maintain their core identity. However, during those days where we just don’t have the energy to cast spells and write incantations, we may want to find simpler ways to interact with our universal energies. Some ways you can do this are by using color magic when dressing or planning out your month by moon phase, but you can also do this by using the energy provided by the days of the week. Each day has its own metaphysical energies that a practitioner can access. 

A week is a seven-day cycle, and depending on where you live you may define Monday or Sunday as the first day of your week. However, unlike the moon cycle, there is no reason for you to wait until the new week to start living by the days. Each day’s energy is unique and can stand within its own area of power. 

Sunday: The Day of The Sun

The energy of the sun radiates through its powerful day. As a solar day it is imbued with divine masculine energy, making it an extremely physical day. Sunday is associated with our ambitions, long term goals, success, wealth, and recognition. Before we can take advantage of these properties a practitioner may want to ask themselves the following questions: What does success mean to you? How do you define wealth? What is you greatest passion? 

Once you understand the answers to these questions you can use Sunday’s energy to make changes in the areas of your life you deemed most important for these goals. Use this time to set intentions, make changes, and chase your ambitions. Simpler ways you can honor the power of Sunday is by creating a vision board on Pinterest, meditating in the sunlight, or wearing gold jewelry. 

Monday: The Day of the Moon

While Sunday harnesses the energy of our first luminary, Monday harnesses the energy of our second luminary: the Moon. Monday is one of the two days of our week associated with divine feminine energy making it a highly intuitive, emotional, and spiritual day. It is associated with healing, divination, travel, mystery, and fertility. 

Monday is a highly inquisitive day making it a good time for shadow work, tarot readings, and dream journaling. If you are looking for less metaphysical ways to take advantage of Monday’s energies, make it a day for self-care: nap on your couch, take a warm bath, or do some self-pampering. Throw on some dark clothes and silver jewelry, and meditate under light of the moon. 

Tuesday: The Day of Mars

Tuesday is associated with the fourth planet of the solar system: Mars. Mars is a highly passionate power overflowing with courage, strength, and – cover your ears children – sexual energy. Tuesday is associated with vitality, resolve, and overcoming challenges. 

Because of this day’s divine associations, Tuesday is a great day for social justice and activism. It burns with the fires of Mars encouraging us to chasing after our dreams and face our fears. Do not let anything hold you back and avoid procrastination. Simpler ways to engage with Tuesday’s energy are by going to the gym, wearing red, and engaging in sex magic. 

Wednesday: Mercury’s Day

Wednesday is the middle of our week, and often marks a day of fatigue and a strong need to push through. In order to harness its metaphysical energy, we must push aside our mundane mindset of the day. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, and as such his day is overflowing with communication. Wednesday is associated with creativity, conversation, and messages.

The dynamic energy of the day makes Wednesday a perfect time for social events. If you want to have a weekly family dinner or a night for hanging out after work with friends, Wednesday’s communicative energy proves it to be a good weekly activity. If you choose to be solitary on this invigorating day, practices that stimulate you artistically – music, art, and literary works – are good pursuits. Simple ways to interact with the day’s energy are reading a poem, watching a movie with friends, or wearing purple. 

Thursday: Jupiter’s Day

Correspondences: Jupiter, blue, prosperity, abundance, good health

Thursday is a day of prosperity, abundance, and strength, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the King of the Gods in mythology and as such, Thursday represents the power you have over your own life. Taking actions towards yours goals and manifestation rituals are especially strong on this day,

The ruling power of Thursday makes this a perfect time to submit job applications, make investments, and perform money magic. As a day of attraction a practitioner can also perform love spells, but it’s better that they wait for Friday. Utilize this day to attract wealth, improve health, and enhance your spiritual strength.

Friday: Venus’ Day

Correspondences: Venus, pink, love, romance, fertility

Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, and victory. Although she herself is not a war deity, she is a symbol of victory over wartime and her beauty is equally met by her intelligence and strength. On her day, one should harness all of her epithets. 

The divine energy of Friday is great for harnessing the power of love and sex for sex magic rituals, attracting love, and forming self-love. If you are struggling either internally or externally make this the day that you work to overcome it. Spend today casting love spells, forming ties, performing glamour rituals and enhancing yourself. 

Saturday: Saturn’s Day

Correspondences: Saturn, black, protection, banishing, cleansing

The final day of the week or the first day of the weekend, Saturday is dedicated to the God Saturn. If you are looking for immediate gratification of your manifestations, then do not use the power of Saturday. As Saturn’s day, the power of the day is structured and powerful making it a day for long-term goals. 

Saturn is associated with the eighth house: transformation, shared resources, and the mysteries of life and death. Saturday is for protection, banishing negativity, and cleansing. Use this day to remove obstacles, clear your space, and fortify your defenses.