A Guide to the Lunar Eclipse

Moon phases with red outlining

We have a lunar eclipse upon us and I thought it would be nice to do a nice little blog post about the magick of the lunar eclipse. What kind of energy can you expect to get from a lunar eclipse?

The debate about what kind of energy is emitted during a lunar eclipse and what you believe is true will affect the rituals and practices you perform. Let’s start with deciding what moon phase energy the lunar eclipse will emit. The simple answer would be that the phase of the moon during the eclipse is the energy it emits. However, one opposing concept that I am particularly fond of is that the lunar eclipse emits the energy of all the moon cycles in just a single night, because the moon will emit these energies as the earth moves. Which belief you take into your practice is up to you.

Channeling the Energy of the Eclipse

When you channel energy you manipulate existing energy to aid you in your magick. Energy can be channeled in many different ways. You can charge elements with energy to hold and store (e.g. Moon water.) You can store the energy in an item through a ritual (similar to enchantment) such as a bracelet. You can meditate. You can sleep under the stars. Personally I like to charge water to later consume and use for spellwork so that the energy can be called back upon for a spell months later. You would access that energy again through consumption or physical contact.

Channeling energy from a lunar eclipse can be quite a chaotic and stimulating experience. While it’s not necessarily considered to be “unsafe” for practitioners, the practice can be extremely draining and may leave you feeling exhausted and burnt out. On the other hand if you have mastered energy manipulation you may find that channeling the lunar eclipse builds you up and leaves you feeling energetic.

What Can You Do?

  • Meditation – letting the energy of the eclipse fully encompass your body and flow through you. Connect to the nature and power of your highest self. They are waiting for you.

  • Charge Your Items – Whether it be your Wanda, brooms, crystals, or head scarfs you can take the energy of the eclipse as a time to charge your items with the ultimate power spike.

  • SpellCasting – Especially if you are a chaos witch, this is a great way to lighten the burden of a major spell by using the eclipse’s energy as a power source. It may even help avoid the drain.

  • Sigil Activation – A bit of a mix between spellcasting and item charging, the lunar eclipse is a great time to charge your sigils, so long as you have your intentions clear. You may be in for a bumby ride.

  • DeityWork – For everyone working with lunar and nocturnal gods and goddesses mark today and future eclipses as a time to honor your deities.

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