Lunar Witchcraft: A Guide to the Waxing Crescent Moon

Golden Waxing crescent Moon in the sky

The Waxing Crescent is the second phase of the lunar cycle and occurs after the New Moon. Although the New Moon was all about setting our intentions and entering a new phase of our lives, we are not necessarily ready to take action yet. The Waxing Crescent Moon demands us to remain in control. We don’t want to lose ourselves to all the new adventures we want to start, instead take a minute to evaluate. The Waxing Crescent occurs right after we took a leap of faith and provides us with a safe space to take a breather.

Our intuition can be a powerful tool, but it is typical for us as humans to either misunderstand our intuition or mistake our instinct for intuition. The Waxing Crescent asks us to be strategic. We need to look logistically at the journeys we want to start for ourselves. For example, if we applied for a new job during the New Moon phase, we need to think about whether we will be able to support ourselves during the time in between paychecks. Will we be starting back at the beginning with a lower salary? Will we need to move? Do we have the means to move? The New Moon energy is very powerful and may inspire us to take on more than we can handle, the Waxing Crescent is a time to evaluate the workload we have taken on and prioritize our energies in the weeks to follow.

In Tarot the Waxing Crescent is associated with the High Priestess. The high priestess is all about wisdom and understanding, which is why this time so heavily asks us to carefully evaluate all the ideas we came up with during the New Moon.

Learn more about the path of the lunar witch here.

Thing to Do

During the Waxing Crescent, we are called to research, gather information, and plan. One must build a foundation for everything the New Moon desires. We want to make sure the intentions and goals of the New Moon are truly our own so we should take this time to focus on ourselves. If we did our shadow work during the New Moon, then we have already accessed our subconscious minds, now it is time to draw the bridge between the conscious and subconscious. We want to push ourselves forward emotionally and work on internal strength building and healing.

Spiritually the Waxing Crescent provides us with a good opportunity to recenter ourselves which we can do through meditation, deep-cleansing and even grounding. (Although grounding is better practiced during the waxing gibbous.) It may also be a good time to consult the cards for some deeper guidance.

Waxing Crescent Babies

Waxing Crescent babies are often overwhelmingly pulled in the direction of New Moon and First Quarter Energies. It is imperative for them not to be caught between them for if they are, they may end up stagnant. At their best Waxing Crescent babies are great at moving forward and they do so without the wild and risky behaviors that New Moon babies fall prey to. With the High Priestess as their tarot association, you can imagine that Waxing Crescent babies can be filled with wisdom, spirituality, and honesty. Paired with the action set of the First Quarter and the new beginnings of the New Moon, one may wonder how they can become stagnant at all.

A Waxing Crescent baby’s biggest weakness is its ability to overthink. In connecting to the subconscious they may become stunted by their shadow-self and weighed down by past experiences. They may start to steer away from rational evaluation of obstacles and get lost in imagined and unrealistic roadblocks.

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